this website and Inner Gold Counseling, LLC are not a crisis resource.
If this is a mental health or other emergency please call 911 or dial the Multnomah County Crisis Line
Mental Health Crisis Resources
Multnomah County Crisis Line
Multnomah County Hotline
free 24/7 mental health support
Hearing impaired dial 711https://multco.us/mhas/mental-health-crisis-intervention
In-the-moment crisis support as well as connecting to community resources
Other Area Mental Health Crisis Lines
Clackamas County
503.655.8585Washington County
503.291.9111Clark County
1.800.686.8137 -
Multnomah County Urgent Walk-in Clinic
Location: 4212 SE Division St, Portland
Hours: 7:00am-9:00pm Mon-Fri, 9:00am-9:00pm Sat and Sun
Unity Center for Behavioral Health
1225 NE 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon
(503) 944-8000
Open 24 / 7 – call ahead
Crisis Assessment and Treatment Center
30 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, Oregon
Open 24 / 7
Access by calling the Multnomah County Crisis Line
503.988.4888 or 800.716.9769
Cascadia Walk-in Clinic
7:00 AM to 9:00PM Mon-Fri
9:00AM to 9:00PM Sat-Sun4212 SE Division St.
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97206503-963-2575
Local Emergency Rooms are a resource if you are having a mental health emergency
Good Samaritan Hospital
1015 NW 22nd Ave, Portland, OR 97210
(503) 413-7711
Trans Lifeline
Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Our vision is to fight the epidemic of trans suicide and improve overall life-outcomes of trans people by facilitating justice-oriented, collective community aid.
Community Justice Resources
General Mental Health
https://namior.org/resources/community-resource-lists/peer organizations/
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Dual Diagnosis Anonymous of Oregon
Peer support group for mental illness and substance abuse.Folk Time – Oregon City
Connecting individuals who share the experience of living with mental illness through peer support and community-based activities.
Folk Time – Portland
Connecting individuals who share the experience of living with mental illness through peer support and community-based activities.
Laurel Hill Center
Laurel Hill Center is committed to helping people with psychiatric disabilities make choices and acquire skills that increase their self reliance and ability to live and work in the community.Mental Health America of Oregon
Consumer-run advocacy, education and networking organization.Mental Health Association of Portland
Impartial and independent advocate for persons with mental illness and addiction. Contact them by emailNorthstar Clubhouse
Mental health recovery program including employment support and social activities for adults who live with mental health challenges.Oregon Consumer Survivor Coalition
Statewide network of people who identify as having a psychiatric diagnosis for sharing ideas, providing mutual support, working toward common goals, strengthening peer-run organizations, and advocating for positive change in the mental health system.Portland Hearing Voices
Public education, discussion groups, training, and community support related to hearing voices, seeing visions, and having unusual beliefs and sensory experiences often labeled as psychosis, bipolar, mania, paranoia, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders.Project Able
Salem 503-363-3260
McMinnville 503-474-5509
Provides peer-to-peer services and supports for individuals recovering from mental health and/or co-occurring issues. -
Alternatives to Calling Portland Police
Important: While the resources below offer alternative solutions ot calling the police, there is no guarantee that these organizations will not involve law enforcement as they deem necessary. For general community resources, cal 211 or visit 211info.org.
Suicide: Lines for Life
24-hour crisis line, offers help to individuals and loved ones in crisis or when needing confidential help for drug addiction, alcohol abuse, thoughts of suicide, and other mental health issues.Report Sex Worker Violence: Portland Bad Date Line
Anonymously provide reports of abusive sex work clients through telephone, emailing Pdx.bad.dateline@gmail.com, or in person at Outside In.Immigrant Support: Portland Immigrant Rights Coalition
888-622-1510Call if you see an Immigration/ICE raid in the area. Para reportar redadas de al migra en el área de Portland ysus alrededores. Lame si usted ve que una redada de al MIGRA o ICE esta ocurriendo.
TransSupport: Trans Lifeline
Grassroots hotline with a policy against non consensual active rescue. Offers direct emotional and financial support of trans people in crisis-for the trans community, by the trans community.Houseless Youth: National Runaway Safeline 800-786-2929
24-hr hotline offering support in finding shelter, food, medical assistance, counseling for runaway & houseless youth. Also provides mediation between family and free bus tickets home. Text: 66008
Domestic Violence: Call to Safety
Comprehensive crisis line, follow-up advocacy, support groups, community outreach and education.
Violencia Domestica ySexual: Proyecto UNICA 503-232-4448
Una linea para ayuda en crisis, planificación de seguridad, abogacia de vivienda, ygrupos de apoyo.
Домашнее насилие: РОСС Программа помощи жертвам домашнего насилия
Коуглосуточная кризисная линия и помощь в кризисных ситуациях
Mental Health: Multnomah County Crisis Line 503-988-4888
Team of mental health professionals help anyone facing mentalhealth in any language.Additional counties
Clark: 360-696-9560,
Clackamas: 503-655-8585,
Washington: 503-291-9111Mental Health: Unity Center for Behavioral Health,
1225 NE 2nd Ave
24-hour behavioral/mental health services providing immediate and long-term psychiatric care.Jail Support: Portland General Defense Committee
503-208-4782in the event of an arrest relating to political activities, the DC offers access to legal support and strategic resistance.
Jail Support: National Lawyers Guild
503-902-5340Cal it in jail and/or after release, witness arrests, or witness/experience police brutality. LG aims to be the legal arm of Portland's radical movement. Repeat or leave message if needed.
AnonymouslyReportHateCrime: Rose City Antifa
971-533-7832Leave a voicemail or email fight_them_back@riseup.net to report an incident of hate or give tips on hate group sightings in the city. Over reporting is better than underreporting. For more information, visit carepdx.org
Full Spectrum Therapy
fullspectrumpdx.com -
Indeginous Resources
Coming Soon
Peer Delivered Services Resource List
LGBTQQi++ Resources
SMYRC/New Avenues for Youth
(503) 234-7837LGBTQ Bipolar and Depression Support Alliance http:// www.meetup.com/Portland- Depression-Bipolar-Support-Alliance Meetup-Group/
(503) 683-2721
pdxqcenter.orgFamily and Parenting Supports
LifeWorks Northwest https://www.lifeworksnw.org/
Oregon Family Support Network
503.535.3800SMYRC/New Avenues for Youth
503.224.4339 -
Alcohol and Substance AbuseLifeWorks Northwest https://www.lifeworksnw.org
503-645-9010Alcoholics Anonymous
503-223-8569Narcotics Anonymous
503-345-9839Cocaine Anonymous
503-256-1666Overeaters Anonymous
503-254-5658Sex Addicts Anonymous
503-452-5961Gamblers Anonymous
877-My-LimitMarijuana Anonymous
503-567-9892Al-Anon Family
Groupsalanonportlandoregon.orgSMART Recovery
866-951-5357 -
Housing Justice
Home Repair for low income homeowners
(Mobile homes as well)
https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/housing-assistance/Pages/emergency rental-assistance.aspx